Give From the Heart

Give Now Buttom

Our donors have been central to our mission to do ordinary things with extraordinary love since we first opened our doors in 1968. As a nonprofit we rely on the generosity of our residents, families, employees, and neighbors to uphold essential funding for resident programs designed to make life better and more fulfilling.


How to Give - Cash, Credit, Check or EFT

Online Donations - One-time: Make a secure one-time online donation here.

Online Donations - Monthly: Make a secure recurring gift that gives all year long here.

Gifts by Mail: Download, print, and fill out our charitable gift form. Mail completed form along with donation to: Saint Therese Foundation, 1660 S Hwy 100 Ste 103, Saint Louis Park, MN 55416.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Gifts: Download, print, and fill out our EFT Authorization form.  Mail completed form along a voided check to: Saint Therese Foundation, 1660 S Hwy 100 Ste 103, Saint Louis Park, MN 55416.

Gifts by Phone: Contact the Saint Therese Foundation at 952-283-2219.


How to Give - Planned Gifts, Stock, In-kind Gifts, and Employer Matches

Planned Gifts:  When you include Saint Therese in your estate plan, you make senior care part of your legacy. To learn more visit our planned giving page.  

In-Kind Gifts: Please contact us at 952-283-2212 is you wish to donate items or services. 

Stock Gifts: Please use the following information to make a securities transfer.

    ​​​​​ ​​Brokerage Firm: RBC Wealth Management*
     Contact: The Lambert Dickson Group, 612.371.7897
     Name on Account: St. Therese Foundation
     Account #: 308-25997
     DTC#: 0235
     Federal ID#: 41-1704381

*RBC Wealth Management does not automatically notify us when transfers are made. We want to be sure to acknowledge your support in an accurate and timely way. Once the transfer is made, please notify us at 952-283-2212.

Employer Matches: Check with your human resources department to see if your employer will match your contribution. Employer matching gifts are a great way to enhance the impact of your gift.


Where to Give

Each donor brings a unique perspective and reason for giving. We work closely with you to determine how to make your gift most meaningful. Common gift designations include:

Area of Greatest Need: Choosing the area of greatest need allows Saint Therese to use your gift where it is needed the most. You may designate your gift to the greatest need at a specific campus. 

Pastoral Care Fund: The robust pastoral care programming at Saint Therese is made possible by the generous support of donors.

Caring Fund: The Caring Fund was created to assist individuals served by Saint Therese who have outlived their financial resources and is entirely funded by private donations.

White Rose Scholarship Fund: The White Rose Scholarship Fund was established to encourage our staff to begin or continue their nursing education and enhance their ability to care for older adults in our community.

Barbara A. Rode Endowed Fund for Quality Care and Innovation: The Barbara A. Rode Endowed Fund for Quality Care and Innovation was established to honor the history of Saint Therese and ensure that we continue  our tradition of leadership in senior care.

 Other Designated Gifts: The Saint Therese Foundation works closely with donors to explore giving opportunities that meet their charitable interests as well as current needs. Our staff are always open to talking with interested donors about other designated gifts.

Tribute Gifts: A gift to any fund may be a tribute gift. Tribute gifts are a way to honor or remember your loved one and an opportunity to support those currently living or receiving care at Saint Therese. We are happy to send an acknowledgement card to let someone know that you chose this special way to pay tribute to a loved one.

 For more information about the Saint Therese Foundation, contact Fund Development at 952.283.2212 or

The Saint Therese Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Once your donation has been processed, we will mail an acknowledgment letter with gift totals for your records.